Monday, July 12, 2010

I am an artist, I am an artist, I am an artist.....

I am new to the blogging world. After much debate between the multiple personalities I behold I have come to the conclusion that this may be good for me. Blogging that is. I am not an English professor nor do I wish to be. So this blog will be filled with enough English mistakes to give a first year teacher a heart attack, so if this is you please stop, and do not continue. I am a artist, in case you missed that. It has taken me close to 40 years to be comfortable in saying that. Well, not 40 to be exact, since I am 40 years old at this moment. But it has taken me a long time to say that. Why I do not know. I am scattered in my art work and usually have many projects going at once. This I have decided is not working. My brain feels restless and tired at the same time. I have in the past, surrounded myself with people who drain the energy from my existence. I am sure it wasn't their fault, just a personality trait that I failed to realize did not work for me. Friendship in general is a funny thing. I have only a few people I know who I truly consider friends. Most are merely acquaintances. I have noticed many people agree with that statement but then get upset over one thing or another and totally contradict themselves and what they proclaim to believe. I guess we all do that at some point, myself included. I hope to blog about my triumphs, failures and attempts at life in general. It seems my life and it's many layers resemble very closely to the art I am attempting to claim. I am a woman who in no way promises to be the same person day after day. I am generally a happy person but I do enjoy moments of sadness and loneliness at times which may make me a little crazy. In which case I will say a little craziness is okay and interesting. I would have never been friends with Mary Tyler Moore or Mary Poppins. The sheer cheerfulness on a regular basis would have drove me nuts and frankly, pissed me off! That being said I am happily married to the love of my life. I have 5 wonderful children plus my baby sister. They are my anchor. But to be honest, I don't mind if the rope comes a little loose and I float out to sea. As long as they are their to pull me back in. Which they always do. I do this through my art or rather my journey to find my art.


  1. Best wishes. Looking forward to seeing your blog develop and grow. (And your art, too.)

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm looking forward to reading more.

    I totally agree with you on Mary Tyler Moore and Mary Poppins. Nothing against terminally cheerful people - I know many and appreciate them, but I myself am a somewhat cynical and sarcastic person who finds perkiness a bit grating at times and can only take it in small doses ;)
